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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Logan - 28 weeks 4 days

Our beautiful Baby Girl 

My handjie en voetjie...

Logan weighs a VERY healthy 1.4kg, Doctor says she is a BIG baby...just like her sister was :-) (28 week babies usually weighs about 1kg - 1.1kg...)
Her heart beat is 100% and everything else exactly the way it's suppose to be. Doctor Steytler is extremely happy with her growth and with the whole pregnancy.

She booked the Ceasarean for the 31st of January 2013.
But she says it's very likely, because Jade was born premature, that Logan will also come a bit early, but we going to do everything we can to keep her as long as we can.
I trust she will come when she is ready...her birthday has already been written in God's book and His timing is always best.

Here is some guesses to when she might decide to come though...

Ouma Nettie: 14 January 2013
Grizelda:        17 January 2013
Daddy:            07 January 2013
Mommy:         07 January 2013

So lets see who is the closest this time...
"Dear God, thank You for another beautiful healthy baby girl, thank You for a healthy pregnancy. Please continue to keep Logan safe and healthy until she is ready to be born, keep me healthy to be able to carry her, until she is ready to be born, we put all our faith and trust in You Lord. Thank you for our countless blessings in our life, we are forever thankful. In Jesus name. Amen"

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