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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jade - 7 Months

Hi All,

On Monday, Jade was 7 months old....still can't believe how time flies.
Everyday with her is such a blessing. The way she touches everyone's lives she meets is just so amazing and priceless. We continue to Thank our Lord for his miracle Jade Catherine Alexander! No words can describe how thankful we are for her.

This morning when I changed her nappy, her dummy fell out, she reached for it and with no effort she put it back into her mouth, it was so cute! :-) She has been struggling with that for a while now and finally got it right!

~Prayer for Jade~

I come to You in Jesus name and give Jade to You. I'm convinced that You alone
know what is best for her. You alone know
what she needs. I release her to You
to care for and protect, and I commit myself to
pray for everything concerning her that I
can think of or that You put upon my heart.
Teach me how to pray and guide me in what to
pray about. Help me not to impose my own will
when I'm praying for her, but rather
enable me to pray that Your will be done in
her life.

Thank You that I can partner with You in raising
Jade and that I don't have to rely on the
world's unreliable and ever-changing methods
for child rearing, but that I can have clear
directions from Your Word and wisdom as I pray
to You for answers.

Thank You, Lord, for the precious gift of this
child. Because Your Word says that every good
gift comes from You, I know that You have
given Jade to me to care for and raise. Help
me do that. Show me places where I continue
to hang on to her and enable me to release
her to Your protection, guidance, and
counsel. Help me not to live in fear of possible
dangers, but in the joy and peace of knowing
that You are in control. I rely on You for
everything, and this day I trust my child to You
and release Jade into Your hands. Amen

Friday, May 8, 2009

Wat elke vrou vir haar man moet bid


Wanneer ek vir my man bid....

- Moet ek dit doen met 'n hart wat in God glo

- Moet ek nie met 'n hart vol woede en bitterheid bid nie

- Moet ek bid met die wete dat my man die hoof van die huis is

- Moet ek weet dat dit 'n verantwoordelikheid is om vir my man te bid

- Moet ek nie die eerste plek vir my man bid sodat ek my kan kry nie, maar dat my man sal lewe soos wat God dit wil he

Bid so...

Seen jou man daagliks met die seen in Num. 6:24-27 en ook 1 Kron. 14:10

Vra dat jou man volgens die wil van God sal lewe.

Bid dat hy sy roeping sal verstaan en dat hy binne sy beroep met integriteit en sonder kompromie sal lewe.

Bid vir beskerming teen versoekinge: seksueel, finansieel (vry van hebsug), mag (vry van mag) en statusbewustheid. (1 Kor. 10:13 en 2 Tess. 3:3)

Bid dat hy vergenoegd sal wees met wat God vir hom gee. (1 Tim 6:6)

Bid dat hy deur alle pyn, verwerping en mislukkings van die verlede kan werk en sal verstaan dat God hom kan genees en onvoorwardelik liefhet. (2 Kor 5:17 en Rom 1:8)

Bid dat hy sal groei in sy gebedslewe - dat die Gees van God hom sal leer en insig in die Woord sal gee.

Bid vir al sy verhoudings en dat hy met die gesindheid van Christus teenoor ander sal optree (1 kor 2:16)

Bid dat hy heilig sal lewe en aan God meer gehoorsaam sal wees as aan mense. (1 Joh. 2:17 and Mig 6:6)

Bid vir hom vir vervulling met die Heilige Gees en dat hy in die krag van God sal leef. (Hand. 1:8 en Matt 3:11)

Bid vir gebrokenheid en nederigheid, dat hy sonde sal haat en maklik sal kan se "Ek is jammer" (Fil. 2:3 en Jak 4:10 en Spr 28:13)

Bid dat hy sal verstaan dat God sy Vader is en dat hy 'n vader soos God die Vader sal wees (Ps 103:13)

Bid dat hy vry sal wees van bitterheid en onvergewensgesindheid (Luk 6:36 -37)

Author - Bennie Mostert


I pray all the above for you and so much more.

Love you always,


Dear God protect William for us, let him be happy and at peace with where he is in life.

Thank you for the man he is, thank you for the husband he is and thank you for the father he is.

I am greatful that you gave us to each other, please protect our marraige and please help us to live closer together through you.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~E.E. Cummings

Just a quick one...

Jade started laughing at stuff on her own. She has been laughing out loud for a awhile, when you play games with her, like "Where's Jade....THERE SHE IS" .
But the weekend William was talking to my Mom and she looked at him and just started laughing, must have thought he was saying something funny. Then everytime Piston comes close to her she starts to giggle out of her tummy, I think at this stage Piston is her favourite toy/thing/pet or whatever she sees him as. When he comes close, she touches his face and again the giggles just pore out of her soul! :-) It is so precious....

Also when I pick her up at Granny Irene, and she sees me, her face lights up and you can see how happy she is to see me. No words to describe that feeling inside!

Never knew that your child's laughter can bring such light into your life...another wonder from God :-)

Have a great week.

The Alexanders.