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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am waving now....

How cute is she now...
Everyday I look at her with amazement, she is this perfect little human being, that discovers all these things life has to offer, big and small, and I am truly blessed to be apart of this journey with her.

She can now wave! On Saturday the 6th of June she waved for Ouma Nettie, and now when you say Tata Jade, she waves to you. Then suddenly her eye catches her hand's movement and she completely forgets she was waving and then just looks at her hand in awe! She is too cute! :-) Again, no words to describe, none at all, its too overwhelming!

On another note, yesterday was Youth Day, and I am so thankful that Jade is growing up in a country where she can be free to be what she wants, she is free to go to any school, to get a good education. Maybe we can all spare a thought to the children in 1976, on 16 June, that were not as privileged.

I came across this, and I really wanted to share it with you, because it's so unbelievably true, and exactly how I feel about Jade! :-)

Through the eyes of a child...

A phrase I have heard often in my life. Before becoming a mother that phrase probably never meant much to me. But there is something about how a child see's our world. How a child see's other people. How our children see us!

They see things with almost an "unconditional love" lens. They don't view us in color or in stigmas. If only we could look through the eyes of a child ourselves.

God quotes often in the bible about having faith like a child. That if we truly want to see the kingdom of God that we must be like children. We must not look at colours or stigmas. We must love unconditionally as they do.

Our children, as much as they are genetically part of us....they reflect us as well. What we teach them is what they will "know"....but what they see before the teachings of society and life.....is pure.

I thank God everday that I can again see through the eyes of child, in my own child. I see how she looks at everydays things in such excitement. We all need to remember that and recapture that.

Through the eyes of a child...a gift of youth that can forever be ours if we just learn to recapture it.
-unknown author-

Have a great rest of the week!

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