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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A few milestones reached!

I talk...ALOT!! No seriously, its scary how much I can talk, everyone who meets me thinks I'm alteast two! :-)

I play hide and seek, I absolutely love playing games with everyone.

I walk and run all over the place.

I love playing outside, I stand at the gate and just say "Open Open" until someone lets me out.

I recognize where I am, when we get to Ouma Nettie’s Security gate, I say “Ouma” and when we stop at Granny’s house at the gate, I say “Ganny”

I can point out and say Ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, tummy, feet, toes, fingers, hands and belly button! 

I blow kisses!

I action Twinkle twinkle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I love you (from Barney) when Mamma sings to me.

I can make the noises and point out the following animals in my book: Cow, sheep, horse, elephant, lizard, lion, chicken (kiep kiep), duck, dog, cat.

I eat by myself (makes a lot of mess…but I eat by myself)

I can show you where your socks and shoes must be and your belt – I love helping Daddy get dressed in the morning!

I permanently yell at the dogs to get “OUT” or “UIT” or if they in my way I say “MOVE”

I am fully bilingual, I can say and understand everything in Afrikaans and English.

I wash my face and hands by myself

When someone sits on the loo, I say "piepie"

And most of all I just get cuter and more lovable every day! :-)

-These are just a few things that she does that steels your heart everyday over and over. We can not, again, Thank our wonderful Lord enough for the blessing of being a parent and the most wonderful, beautiful Angel of a daughter, we are truly the most blessed parents ever –

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