Happy Birthday beautiful Jade! May your life be filled with love and happiness! May you always be close to God and feel His presence in your life! May you always remember how loved you are by all your family and friends! We wish you just the best in life, because you were the greatest gift ever to be received! Love you my Angel!!! Dadda & Mamma
Her birthday was so special...both parties! The one with her friends was great, she had so much fun, she is so small and she doesn't know what a birthday is, but she definately knew the day was about her! It was so cute! She had a big Winnie the Pooh icecream cake and after we sang to her the cake was all hers, the photo's will tell you how much she enjoyed that! lol Thank you for everyone who came to the party, you all very close to our hearts!
Sunday on her birthday, the family got together for a braai to celebrate her 1st birthday, its so heartwarming to see the love that everyone has for her!
But lets face it, she really is one special girl! :-)
We want to thank God on this special day for blessing us with an Angel like Jade! Thank you for the message you brought through her, thank you for choosing us to be apart of her life! Please protect and guide her all the days of her life! Help her to make the right decisions, help her to find happiness in every situation! Please God always keep her safe in the palm of your hand! We love You and we are truly greatful for Jade Catherine Alexander!!! Amen
Here is some cute things about Jade....
She can say the following words: Jade, Mamma, Dadda, Pa (thats Grandpa), Ouma, Oupa, Lisha (thats for Melissa), Jay (for Jason),Bian (for Brian), Kita (for nikita), UIT (when she shouts and the dogs to go outside), Pop (popcorn), Doedoe, Baba, Tata, AB (she is trying to say ABC), O O (when she does something wrong), Nee!!!, Dankie, Bye (specially when you talk on the phone and you say bye) I hope I didnt leave anything out! :-) She pretty much tries and say everything you say! It's so cute.
She also claps hands, and she takes the blanket and pulls it over her face to play "where's Jade...there she is" ! She waves when she sees a car. When you take the car keys she says Tata. She dances whenever she hears music or sees a cellphone, because she knows they also have music! She points out to what she wants! When you laugh then she give a fake laugh, its really funny! She shows with her hands when something is gone or "weg"! She crawls all over the place and really fast too! She pulls herself up against almost everything to stand and then she walks around holding on to everything! :-) She can point out where your nose and eyes and mouth are! She makes her baba doedoe! Again, there are so many things and I am sure Im leaving stuff out, but if I have to mention everything, you will have to put a few hours aside to read!
But most off all, she warms everyone's heart that meets her, its just amazing!
We want to thank everyone who is apart of Jade's life and that love her so much! She is truly a blessed and rich girl with all the love and support she gets from all of you!
Hope you all enjoyed the photo's!
Love always,
Will,Tash & Jade